News to Use

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News to Use - Vol 150


Introducing young people to the arts now is key to their future participation and to sustaining the development of Miami-Dade County's vibrant cultural community. Culture Shock Miami is a simple and highly effective audience development concept that encourages students, ages 13-22, to become regular arts patrons. The program promotes and offers $5 tickets to the best cultural and performing arts events and two-for-$5 tickets to museums in Miami-Dade County.

Good News for the Arts: Mayor Gimenez’s FY 2015-2016 Proposed Budget

Dear Colleagues,

Mayor Gimenez announced his FY 2015-2016 budget recommendations yesterday.  I am pleased to report that the Mayor has recommended sufficient revenues for us to continue to conduct our competitive grants programs at current year’s overall funding levels.

It also is important to note that the Mayor’s recommendations for the coming year must be reviewed and acted upon by the Board of County Commissioners.

Here are highlights of the next steps:


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