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ArtsMarket 2015 Seeks Performers for Showcase

North Carolina Presenters Consortium is accepting applications from tour-ready performing artists for ArtsMarket 2015! #ArtsMarket2015, taking place November 2-4, 2015 in Durham, NC offers up to 40 artists of all genres a unique opportunity to showcase their talents, secure bookings and tour their show throughout North Carolina and surrounding areas. 

Deadline to apply is July 1, 2015, 5pm EDT

Showcase Info & Application:

Upcoming County Commission Item on Coconut Grove Playhouse

The Board of County Commissioners is scheduled to consider the two important items related to the Coconut Grove Playhouse on Tuesday, April 21. Meeting begins at 9:30 am and will be held in the County Commission Chamber located on the 2nd floor of the Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 NW 1st Street(take the escalator in the middle of the lobby).

The two agenda items were heard in last month’s committee meeting and forwarded to the County Commission with a favorable recommendation:


Stephen P. Clark Center
111 NW 1st Street, Miami, FL 33128
United States
25° 46' 30.8568" N, 80° 11' 48.066" W

NEWS TO USE - Vol 132

February 19 at 2:00 PM - FY2014-2015 4th Quarter
Community Grants Program is a quarterly program for non-profit organizations developing small to medium scale community-based cultural programs, projects and events, such as fairs, parades, neighborhood festivals, conferences and publications. Organizations must attend a grant-specific workshop to apply as a first-time applicant.

Coconut Grove Playhouse Update - February 2015

As we have explained publicly for the past several months, we have been unable to respond to Coconut Grove Playhouse inquiries in detail due to Miami-Dade County’s “Cone of Silence” rules which apply to all County competitive selection processes, prohibiting any communication regarding a particular bid solicitation after it has been advertised and until a written recommendation is issued.  The Cone of Silence is designed to protect the professional integrity of the procurement process by shielding it from undue influences prior to the recommendation of a contract award.  The Cone of Silence

NEWS TO USE - Vol 131

Apply now for the Knight Arts Challenge!  

Looking for funding for your arts project? The Knight Arts Challenge supports the best ideas for bringing South Florida together through the arts. Anyone can apply. All it takes is 150 words to fill out the initial application. 

Get questions answered at Community Q&A sessions scheduled Feb. 2-6, 2015 

Community Q&A schedule


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