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March Survey Results – IMPACT OF CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)

Dear Colleagues,

As promised, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs is providing you with the results of the survey of non-profit arts and cultural organizations substantiating the COVID-19 financial and job losses for the month of March. Based on the data from the COVID-19 Survey of Impact on Miami-Dade County's Cultural Community for the month of March, the COVID-19 pandemic has a total financial impact of $22.8 million on nonprofit arts and cultural organizations and has affected 1,700 arts and cultural jobs.



Dear Colleagues,

The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) just released the CARES Act Guidelines for grants to arts organizations to preserve artistic and administrative jobs and to cover facilities costs, such as rent and utilities. There is a quick turn-around on the application process with requests due on April 22nd (the full timetable is outlined below).

Apply now! The grants registration requirements that must be completed to apply to the NEA have been relaxed for CARES Act grants but still must be addressed. This is detailed in the NEA’s guidelines.


Dear Colleagues,

The Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs is launching  COVID-19 Survey of Impact on Miami-Dade County's Cultural Community (CO-SIC), a monthly survey to  collect vital data on the pandemic’s financial impact on Greater Miami’s arts community.  Information gathered through the Survey will help substantiate the need for recovery resources for Miami-Dade based nonprofit cultural institutions and arts organizations.

News to Use - For nonprofits: one-on-one help with CARES Act loans

Please see the invitation below from The Miami Foundation for webinars and one-on-one assistance for nonprofit organizations to learn how to access and secure the new Federal Stimulus Funds available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.  You can enroll and participate in the next webinars scheduled April 6 - April 17, 2020 and sign up here through rolling signup.



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